A Partner you can Trust

Our goal is to grow your business, establish your brand, and serve your clients

Buying at auction is a smart move for anyone who is looking to buy real property because we let the buyers determine the price. You can be assured that when you represent your client on one of our auction properties, you will appreciate the transparent nature of the terms and bidding process.

Advantages of Competitive Bidding for Your Buyer

Equal opportunity to stay and bid as long as they would like.
The timeline allows buyers to do their due diligence.
The bids are visible and transparent to everyone.
Terms of the sale are the same for everyone.

Steps To Success For Your Buyer

  1. Secure Funds
    Obtain preapproval or obtain documentation of proof of funds.
  2. Review Terms
    Read and review terms and conditions, due diligence documents, and other supporting documentation available for the auction property.
  3. Inspect Property
    Review all of the photos, view property, and arrange desired inspections.
  4. Register
    Have your client create a user account if they have not already done so. Once logged in, register and have them agree to the terms and conditions of the auction.
  5. Happy Bidding
    After you have completed steps 1-4, conveniently bid 24/7!

How to Register Your Buyer

Download & Review the frequently asked questions
Secure Your Commission
Submit a buyer signed Agency Disclosure Statement and any other required agent registration forms indicated at auction level.
Due Diligence
Assist your client in their due diligence process, inspections, etc.
Steps to Success
Assist your client in navigating your client through the recommended steps to success.

Receive a Buyer Packet